I feel like we have been running for the past week straight. Crazy stuff.
Pictures -
The three baptisms we had yesterday.
-Gaby is the youngest (the pic with just the three of us) 13 years old. Her two older sisters were baptized last year and the year before. Amazing girls. Gaby has grown so much. She is so excited about the Gospel and is so much more attentive than she was before.
-Heidy is our rockstar, increbible, golden investigator. Her testimony is solid and incredible. She´s twenty. Her two brothers are members, but not her parents. We met her and she got baptized within 4 weeks. She is fantastic.
-Ulfa, fifty, is from one of my fave fams in La Mariposa. I know I will be telling stories about her and her family forEVER. She´s the "esposa" of Renè (the 68 year old that calls me Boquitas, that got baptized last month). 4 of her 6 kids are members and were all first. They have around 10-15 people living in their house (about the same size as my and Hna Wetzel´s house).
-The freezer is COMPLETELY filled with ice. I had to take a knife to it just to get it open. I was chiseling away for about an hour. We had clean checks this morning and we deserved our "pass" so much. My arms were killing me on Saturday (when we cleaned).
-Dishes. I love the pictures that makes it look like you are actually in Guatemala and on a mission. Too great.
Hermana Wetzel and I have a feeling that we might be changing this Wednesday. As President Baldwin was leaving our house from clean checks he said, "Okay, Hermanas, we´ll see you soon." Unless there is a mission activity or training that we don´t know about, the only time we would see him soon would be Wednesday at changes. If we do, Hermana Wetzel will most likely be leaving and I´ll be receiving a Latina! Vamos a ver. I love Hna Wetzel and would be way too overjoyed to be with her another change, but whatever the Lord wants, we are ready to do! Plus, change is always fun and good.
I wish I could describe the past week that we have been through trying to get everything ready for the clean checks and, most importantly, the baptisms, but I definitely cannot do it justice. Amazing blessing - we had worked from 630 until 1 o´clock on just cleaning Saturday morning, then we went out to work, but there was still a lot of work to be done. When we got to the house at 930 that night, we walked in and EVERYTHING WAS CLEAN - and I mean... sparkling. Some areas that we had scrubbed forever and still were dirty and off-white, were glistening and spotless. The family who owns the house (who always feed us, give us references, and do everything they can for us and everyone), los Morales, came around 4 and stayed until 6 and finished everything we had been working on. All of them - the two parents, 3 kids, and abuelita. We were in shock for a good twenty minutes. Hermana Wetzel has cried once in the whole (almost) 12 months that she has been out and said that she has never wanted to cry more than she did in those moments. It was insane. They are a family who truly understands and acts upon ".. do unto the least of these.. ye do it unto me."
I have seen so many miracles and blessings this week and my faith and appreciation have grown so much. I hope that everyone is able to open there eyes a little wider and see the small and large blessings and miracles that are constantly happening and being given all around us.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Marin