Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Won´t cry...‏


I´m going to try not to cry while I write this...

My Hermama left me.

I´m still in La Mariposa :) Hna Rizo (latina) is here with me. Hermana Wetzel is in ANTIGUA!!! Life is different. There have been a few harder times, but life is fantastic. It was tough saying goodbye to Hermana Wetzel. I truly had the BEST companion/trainer/mom. I realize more and more every day how blessed I really was. This is the most I have cried in the mission (which still isn´t that much... I promise!). That´s another thing I´ve learned about myself. I´m only a crier when it comes to goodbyes. I´m TERRIBLE at goodbyes and not seeing people.

Before we had changes, I asked one of the elders what it was like after his dad left him and he said that he didn´t sleep well for a week afterwards and he had a weird feeling in his stomach for a while. Well, I´ve been sleeping just fine (like always), but my stomach gets that terrible feeling every now and then and I hate it!

Hermana Wetzel was so jazzed. If any of you don´t know what the big deal is with Antigua, check it out ;) It´s the most popular and touristy pueblo in Guatemala. She LOVES cosas tipicas... so she is bien feliz. And... no tenga pena... as a zone (with 20 elders) we are going to Antigua on the 19th (pday), so I´ll see Hna Wetzel!!!

Other than that... Hermana Rizo is fantastic, I´m still in my beloved Mariposa, we had a last minute baptism yesterday, and I´m still in love with the amazing Familia Obregon. Really... I´ve already learned a lot. I have been so blessed with the gift of tongues, because I have to lead the area right now and it has been a blast. I´ve realized how much Spanish I really do know (don´t worry... me falta MUCHO todavìa), how well I know the area, the people, and how things work around here. It´s interesting seeing how other missionaries do things. On the mission, we just learn TOO MUCH. Seriously, there is not a moment where you don´t learn. We learn how to adapt, adopt, speak other languages, serve, be conscience of others and your surroundings, live off of the basics, live without your loved ones, have self-control, be obedient, love others in an instant within knowing them, and so much more!

Sonia got baptized! We have been working with her since the beginning of January and she had a lot of doubts. She has three teenaged kids and a seven year old, and her hubby lives in the States. We have been working with her kids just as long, too. I saw a lot of miracles yesterday and my testimony of prayer and fasting is stronger.

I really love this area and the people. I can´t even imagine how hard it is going to be to leave someday. I am the happiest (bursting with happiness, actually) when we are in the houses of the people - members, investigators, random people, etc. The people here are truly amazing. They have so much love, good senses of humor, respect for others and God, and want to serve. It´s almost hard for us as missionaries, because we always say to people that we WANT and will serve them and that´s why we´re here, but that´s what THEY say... "para servirles." Always. It´s hard to go above and beyond when everyone else is doing it, too ;)

Life is fantastic. Thanks for the emails, everyone! Keep the pictures through email (and regular mail, if you´d like) coming! Email is definitely the easiest and quickest way to get pictures to me, but I would love to have some hard copies. People are always wanting asking to see our families and friends.

Hermana Marin

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