Monday, August 8, 2011


1938 - a typical backyard where we teach :) We taught/teach Fernando here most of the time.
1950 - the chapel is Sipacate
1970 - Fernando and Presidente Telón (Sipacate branch president - who actually lives in La Gomera, but there isn´t anyone else in Sipacate able to do it...)
1995 - If you look closely, you may just see a real big lizard in our window... and it was not outside.
2028 - BEACH!!! I hadn´t seen one in over 10 months!
2085 - This is what happens when previous missionaries don´t stay organized...
2094 - Our recent convert, Ana, had her bday. It was one of the most humbling experiences... she has never had a bday celebration (and what we did was real small, but she was overjoyed), never received a wrapped present, and had never cut a cake before....She didn´t even remember or realize that it was her bday!!
2119 - Chapel in La Gomera
2089 - We share our backyard (technically our part only is a small part with a pila, but the owners of the house are real nice and let us share, Faustino and Evangelina)... we had a nice lunch the other day under a palm tree.

Really... those pictures are just a taste of life in La Gomera. I have not done any justice. I can´t wait to share all of the great photos and experiences someday... and even drag a few people back to Guatemala with me :)

This week was a tougher one with one of our investigators who was going to get baptized. I have just really been having a tough time understanding the choices of others. I want to be able to help people truly understand the importance of the Gospel... That´s probably the biggest challenge here. Satan just really really sucks. But hope is never lost. Heavenly Father is infinitely more powerful.

But don´t worry, life is good. We went to the beach in Sipacate :)

Tonight, we find out if we have changes. Most likely (but definitely not for certain) Hna Angel will leave and I´ll receive someone else here in La Gomera. I´ll let you know in a week :)

All my love,
Hermana Marin

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